How old areyou?
1 0?
What makes Sammy run?
My name is Eddie?
What makes Sammy run?
My name is Eddie Lovell?
Relax? I wantyou
to go to the store for me?
What'll it cost?
How would I know?
What am I buying?
Eddie, you're too smart
foryour own britches?
How much doyou want
to go to the store
for the man?
50 cents?
You got a deal?
I wantyou to get me
a quart ofbeer?
Miller High Life?
Say it's foryour bedridden,
old granddad?
Now, go? Go?
What is wrong with him?
He ain't got no money for nobody?
Look at this here, man?
Cut this shit out?
What makes you the Mayor
ofthis block?
Shit, he's self-appointed?
Leave the man alone?
Shut up!
Look, you all leave me
the hell alone?
I ain't going out
like that, man?
You walk around this block
likeyou own it?
For real?
You're so old,
you're like a fossil?
You're a bum?
You're an old drunk zero?
Now what doyou got to say?
Whatyou know about me?
Can't even pee straight,
nary a one ofyou?
Whatyou know about anything?
Unless you--
Unless you done stood
in the door??
and listened toyour
five hungry children
crying for bread,
and you can't do
anything about it?
Yourwoman standing there--
You can't even look
her in the eye?
Unless you done that,
you don't know my pain,
my hurt, my feelings?
You don't know shit!
Don't call me bum?
Don't call me a drunk?
You don't got the sense
God give a billy goat!
Don't call me nothing!
It's disrespectful?
Your mamas and papas
raised you better?
I hopeyou finished
your little soliloquy
'cause I been peeing straight
Understand what I'm saying?
And you're right?
I wouldn't stand around
listening to my children
go hungry?