20 minutes?
How come niggers
are so stupid?
Ifyou see a nigger,
kick his ass?
Stay offthe phone?
Hey, Mookie?
Forget about it?
Can I talk toyou for a second?
Who's your favorite
basketball player?
Magic Johnson?
Who's your favorite movie star?
Eddie Murphy?
Who's your favorite rock star?
You're a Prince freak?
Boss? Bruce?
All you talk about is
nigger this and nigger that?
Your favorite people are niggers?
It's different?
Magic, Eddie, Prince??
are not niggers?
I mean, they're not black,
I mean--
Let me explain myself?
They're not really black?
I mean, they're black,
but not really?
They're more than black?
It's different?
It's different?
Yeah? To me,
it's different?
Deep down you wish
you were black?
Get the fuck out ofhere?
Go ahead, laugh?
Your hair's kinkier than mine?
What does that mean?
And you know what they say
about dark Italians?
You know, I been listening??
and reading--
You been reading now?
I read?
I've been reading
aboutyour leaders?
Reverend Al
"Mister 'Do" Sharpton?
Jesse "Keep hope alive"??
That's fucked up?
"Keep hope alive?"
That's fucked?
Don't talk about Jesse?
And even the other guy,
what's his name?
Faraman, Fairakan--
Minister Farakhan?
Right? Sorry?
Minister Farakhan?
Anyway, Minister Farakhan
always talks about the so-called day??
when the black man will rise?
What does he say?
"We will one day rule the earth
as we did in our glorious past"?
That's right?
What past?
What did I miss?
We started civilization?
Man, keep dreaming, man?
Then you woke up!
Pino, fuckyou?
Fuckyour fucking pizza,