Mr? Mayor?
I saw whatyou did?
That was foolish but brave?
That child owes you his life?
Wasrt trying to be a hero?
I just seen what was happening,
and I reacted... didn't even think?
Probablywouldn't have done it
ifl had thought?
Da Mayor's getting old?
Ain't run like that in years?
Went from first to home
on a bunt single?
Scored the winning run?
Two outs?
Bottom of the ninth?
August 1, 1939?
Snow Hill, Alabama?
Mud Cat Bones
was the pitcher?
He hated my guts?
He come down offthat mound,
and I took off
like white lightning
up a black snake's ass?
Maybe I, uh??
Maybe I ought to be
a hero more often?
Maybeyou shouldn't?
Don't get happy?
This changes nothing
between you and me?
You did a good thing?
Mother Sisterjust thanks you?
I want to thankyou?
You're welcome?
Delivery from
Sal's Famous Pizzeria?
Is it hot?
I've never delivered a cold pizza?
Come here?
You thinkyou're slick, Tina?
How else could
I getyou up here?
I haven't seen you all week?
I'm working?
Making money?
You forgot the ice cream again?
I forgot?
Your memory's getting ridiculous?