I mean the neighborhood?
I figure about 50 years?
'Cause I'm going into real estate?
I'll put up a high-rise
in the neighborhood?
Yeah? Lot ofpeople
want to move here?
Why not?
You want a condominium?
A couple ofstraws, Mr? Trump?
Trump's Pizza?
I heard ofthat?
That's Trump's Plaza?
Get out ofhere?
Take care, Salvatore?
Pino, take the soft drinks
from the back
and load up here?
OK, Pop?
You want me to deliver faster,
I need a rocket?? Something?
I can't be running?
The cheese lands on one side?
Mookie, I didn't say nothing?
You must have a guilty conscience?
I'm not guilty ofanything?
You're guilty ofsomething?
Otherwiseyou wouldn't be saying that?
Come on, Sal?
Wherewe going?
Oh, shit?
Vito, give me a hand?
Come on?
What the fuck's the matter?
Vito, I wantyou to listen to me?
I'm your brother?
I smackyou around
once in a while,
but I'm still?? Your brother?
So what, Pino?
So fucking what?
I loveyou, man?
I'm listening?
I'm listening?
I wantyou to listen?
Jesus Christ, Pino?
I said I'm listening?
Vito, black?? White? No?
No, no, no? No?
What the hell
you talking about?
Areyou listening to me?
Stop busting my balls?
I said I'm listening?
Mookie's not to be trusted?
I trust him, Pino?
They can't be trusted?
First timeyou turn your back??
Boom? Aah!
The spear in the back?
How doyou know this?
How doyou know, man?
I know? I read?