Do the Right Thing

Buggir, what's up?
Howyou been, man?
Living large, bro?
Yo, that the only tapeyou gots?
You don't like
Public Enemy, man?

The shit's dope?
I'm down, butyou don't be
playing nothing else?

I don't like nothing else?
Yo, check this?
You know Sal?

Yeah, I know
that motherfucker?

I've been trying
to organize a boycott

ofSal's Famous?
I almost had to bust him
in the head today?

Gonna tell me...
Tell me, Radio Raheem...

to turn down my box
and shit, man,

and didn't even say "please!"
Who the fuck he think
he is, Don Corleone?

He make much money
off us black people,

and all he got on the wall
is Italians...

Sylvester Stallone,
okey-doke-lookir motherfuckers?

On the strength?
We shouldn't buy one slice,
spend one penny in there
till he put folks of color
on that wall?

That's what I'm saying!
You got my back?
Your back is got?
My bro?
My bro?
Yo, Smiley?
Come here, man?

Whatyou listening to?
M-M-M-Malcolm, huh?
Cut offthat rap music!
I'm in here trying to get me
some motherfucking...

I'll fuckyou up quick!
Two times!
Th-Th-Th-Three t-times!
Sal, start counting
my money tonight

'cause I gots to get paid?
Come on, Vito?
Come on?

This is terrific?
I mean we had
a great, great day?

You know something?
There's nothing like a family
in business working together?
I'm going to rename the place?
