Come on?
Move it, man!
# Fight the power #
# Fight the power #
# Fight the power #
# We got to fight
the powers that be #
# Elvis was a hero to most#
# But he never meant shit to me #
# Ya see straight out
racist the sucka... ##
I told you about that noise!
What about them pictures?
What the fuck, are you deaf?
No! Are you?
We want some black people
on that motherfucking
wall offame now!
We're trying
to go fucking home!
We've been here all day!
Turn that jungle music off!?
This ain't Africa!
Why it got to be
about jungle music?
Why it got to be about Africa?
It's about them fucking pictures!
It's about turning that shit off
and getting out of my place!
Radio Raheem!
And fuckyou, too!
Kick ass, Sal!
Get in there, Pino!
This is music!
My music!
Fuckyour music!
Well, turn it off, then!
Get the fuck out ofhere!
We're closed!
We're closing you
guinea bastards for good!
For good, motherfucker!
Until you get some black people
on that motherfucking
wall offame!
You're gonna fucking close me?
You're goddamn right!
You black cocksucker!
I'll fucking tear
your fucking nigger ass!
Oh, we're niggers now?
We niggers now?
Fuck them up!
You fucking white trash!
I'll fuckyou up!
Sal, put the fucking bat down!
Come on,
you fucking guinea trash!
Open the motherfucking counter!
You black cocksucker!
You nigger motherfucker!
[Music Stops]