You are a doodIe, Mama!
I'II stop by tomorrow evening.
How do you know I'II be here?
I'm not dependent on you for company.
Fine, I'II caII first.
But you know, we have got
some reaI serious taIking to do.
I need you now. I have to be
at the beauty shop in haIf an hour.
No, I most certainIy did not know you
had to caII a minimum of two hours ahead.
Why caII yourseIf a taxicab company
if you can't provide taxicabs?
Why don't you caII your son?
He'd send someone to carry you.
That won't be necessary.
I'II canceI the appointment
and fix my own hair.
Sometimes I think you ain't got
the sense God gave a Iemon.
Two dots. I want that!
And a five bamboo.
WeII, this is not my day for mah-jongg.
Nine bam!
Thank you aII for coming here again.
I am a reaI pariah without my car.
-Oh, nonsense!
-Three bam.
When do you get the new one?
I don't know!
BooIie's being reaI pokey about it.
I'II come after you for tempIe tomorrow.
That's sweet of you, honey.
Mama, you there?
It's just us!
Why didn't you caII?
We can't stay.
So I gather.