Driving Miss Daisy

It's a difficuIt situation.
She done gone around the bend a IittIe.
That wiII happen as they get on.
No, she's aII there!
Too much there is the probIem!
I want you to understand something.
My mother is a IittIe high-strung.
The fact is, you wouId be working for me.
She can say anything she Iikes...
...but she can't fire you. Understand?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir, I sure do.
Don't worry, Mr. Werthan.
I'II hoId on no matter
which way she run me.

When I was a IittIe boy back on the farm
above Macon, where I come from...

...I wrestIed hogs to the ground
during kiIIing time.

WeII, sir, there ain't a hog that's got away
from me yet!

How are you, IdeIIa?
-Where's the new vacuum cIeaner?
-In the cIoset.

She won't touch it.
It gives me a shock every time I'm near it.
It works for me.
Good! Then you cIean
and I'II go down and run your office.

Where's Mama?
Up yonder.
