What are you doing?
Dusting the buIbs, Miss Daisy.
That's the siIIiest thing I ever saw.
Who cares if Iamp buIbs are dusty?
Get down from there!
Put that Iadder away
before somebody trips on it.
I'm going, Miss Daisy.
AII right, IdeIIa. See you tomorrow.
-I'm going too, Miss Daisy.
Good morning, Miss Daisy.
Thought I'd see after your zinnias.
You Ieave my fIower bed aIone.
You got a nice piece of ground
behind the garage that ain't doing nothing.
I couId put in tomatoes, butter beans--
If I want a vegetabIe garden,
I'II pIant it myseIf.
What are you doing?
I just Iove a house with pictures,
Miss Daisy.
It do make a home.
I don't want you nosing
through my things.