I'm right behind her.
Hear, O IsraeI, the Lord our God,
the Lord is one.
Such a nice man. And such a good,
short sermon, wasn't it?
I can get myseIf in!
Hurry out of here!
-Is something wrong, Miss Daisy?
-Something I've done?
I ain't done anything.
You parked the car right in front of the
tempIe, Iike I was the Queen of Romania.
Everybody saw you!
I said to wait for me in the back.
Yes, ma'am, but l was just trying to....
There were two chauffeurs
right behind me.
You made me Iook Iike a fooI. A g.d. fooI!
Oh, Miss Daisy,
Lord knows you ain't a fooI!