Driving Miss Daisy

You know, Miss Daisy, I was just thinking.
We been out to this cemetery
three times this month aIready.

It ain't even the 20th yet.
It's good to come in nice weather.
Yes, ma'am. You sure right about that.
Sure is.

Mr. Sig's grave is mighty weII tended.
I think you're the best widow
in the State of Georgia.

BooIie's aIways pestering me
to have the staff here tend to this pIot.

''PerpetuaI care,'' they caII it.
WeII, don't you do it!
It's right to have a member of the famiIy
Iooking after you.

I'II never have that! BooIie wiII have me
in perpetuaI care before I'm coId.

Miss Daisy,
you ought to go on away from here!

Put that azaIea on Leo Bauer's grave.
Leo Bauer.
Is that Miss Rose Bauer's husband?

She asked me to bring it out here.
Where is his grave at, Miss Daisy?
I'm not exactIy sure.
I know it's two rows over that way.

You'II see the headstone, ''Bauer.''
What's wrong?
Nothing wrong. Nothing the matter at aII.
Now, you say--
I toId you it's two rows over that way.
It says ''Bauer'' on the headstone.
