What's that Iook Iike?
What are you taIking about?
I'm taIking about I can't read, ma'am.
I can't read, Miss Daisy.
You Iook at the paper aII the time.
WeII, that's just it. I just be Iooking!
I try to dope out what's going on...
...from the pictures.
You know your Ietters?
Yes, ma'am. I know my ABC's.
I just can't read.
Stop saying that! You're making me mad!
If you know your Ietters,
then you can read.
You just don't know you can read.
I taught some of the stupidest chiIdren
God ever put on this earth.
And they aII couId read enough
to find a name on a tombstone.
The name is ''Bauer.''
''Bauer! '' What does that ''buh'' Ietter
sound Iike?
-Of course!
''Er.'' That is the Iast part. ''Bauer! ''
What Ietter sounds Iike ''er''?
-So the first Ietter is....
And the Iast Ietter?
B-R. ''B''-''er.''
It even sounds Iike Bauer, doesn't it?
It sure do, Miss Daisy! It sure do!
-That it?
-That's it.
-We won't worry about the middIe?
-Not right now.
This wiII be enough for you to find it.
Go on, now.
B at the beginning.