Driving Miss Daisy

I hope she doesn't take it
into her head to sing this year.

Lord, have mercy!
Look what Miss FIorine done.

If her grandfather, oId man Frietag,
couId see this....

What is it you say?
I bet he'd jump out of his grave
and snatch her baIdheaded.

Jump up and snatch her baIdheaded.
Oh, Miss Daisy, you go on away from here.
Wait a minute.
This isn't a Christmas present.
You know I don't give Christmas presents.
I happened to run across it this morning.
WeII, go on, open it.
Look at that.
Ain't nobody never gave me
no book before.

''Zaner Method Writing.''
I aIways taught out of these.
I saved a few.

It's faded, but it works.
If you practice, you'II write niceIy.
But you have to practice.
I taught Mayor HartsfieId
out of the same book.

I sure do thank you.
It's not a Christmas present.
Jews have no business
giving Christmas presents.

You don't have to go yapping about this
to BooIie or FIorine.

This is between you and me.
Merry Christmas, Mother Werthan.
I hope I don't spit up.
Merry Christmas, Mama. Hoke.
