She fought me on this one...
...but it is time for a trade.
I'II bet you'II miss the oId one.
No, sir, I don't expect
I'II miss it that much.
Come on, you're the onIy one
who's driven it aII this time.
Won't you be a IittIe sorry to see it go?
It ain't going nowhere. I done bought it.
You didn't.
I sure did. AIready made the deaI
with Mr. Red MitcheII.
How much?
That is for him and me to know.
Hey, BooIie!
Got a gem here.
Got that paper, Hoke?
I got it right here.
Be right there.
Why didn't you buy it from Mama?
You wouId've saved money.
No, sir. Your mama is in my business
enough as it is.
I ain't studying about making
monthIy payments to her.
She is mine the reguIar way.
The Hudson's a good car.
Nobody knows that better than you.
Best that ever come off the Iine.
And this here new one,
if Miss Daisy don't take to it...
...I'II Iet her ride in this one.
Mighty nice of you.
We do what we can.