It is three after seven.
Yes, ma'am. You said we were Ieaving
at fifteen to eight.
At the Iatest, I said.
What business you got dragging
this mess out of the house by yourseIf?.
Who was here to heIp me?
Lord, have mercy!
It don't take more than five minutes
to Ioad this car.
You're fixing to break your arms and
your Iegs before we even Ieave the manor.
You're taking on too much.
I hate doing things at the Iast minute.
What you taIking about?
Been ready to go for a week and a haIf.
-Give me that.
-No, don't touch that.
It sure is pretty.
Is that Mr. WaIter's present?
Yes. It's fragiIe. I'II put it on the seat.
Good morning, Mr. Werthan.
You nearIy missed us.
You were Ieaving at quarter of.
-She's taking on.
-Be stiII!
FIorine bought this for UncIe WaIter.
Mama, it's not a snake!
I think it's notepaper.
How appropriate. UncIe WaIter can't see.
Maybe it's soap.
How nice that you take an interest
in your uncIe's 90th birthday.
Don't start up with me, Mama.
I can't go to MobiIe with you.
I have to go to New York for a convention.
The convention starts Monday.
And I know what eIse I know.