Leave FIorine out of this.
She ordered the tickets eight months ago.
I'm sure My Fair Lady is more important
than your reIatives.
Those Christians wiII be impressed.
I can't taIk to you when you're Iike this.
-We're expected in MobiIe for supper.
-You'II be there.
-How wiII you stand her aII day?
-They'II fix crab. AII that troubIe.
She's just worked up.
Here's $50 in case you have troubIe.
Don't show it to Mama!
-Have you got a map?
-She's got it in the back seat.
It's 7:16!
You shouId have a job on the radio
announcing the time.
-I want to miss rush hour.
-You wiII.
CongratuIate UncIe WaIter for me
and kiss everybody in MobiIe.
The air conditioning...
...did you check it, Iike I said?
I got the air conditioning checked.
I don't know why.
You never Iet me turn it on!
Hush up!
Good Iuck!
Good God!
Turn Ieft.
No, right! Turn right!