They fixed crab for me.
Minnie aIways fixes crab.
They go to so much troubIe.
It's aII ruined by now.
We going to have to puII over.
What's wrong with the car?
There ain't nothing wrong with the car.
I got to be excused.
I got to go make water.
You shouId have thought of that
at the service station.
You know coIored can't use the toiIet
at any service station, Miss Daisy.
There's no time to stop.
We'II be in MobiIe soon. You can wait.
No, ma'am.
-I toId you to wait!
-I heard what you said.
How do you think I feeI having to ask you,
''Can I go make water?''
Like I'm some chiId.
You ought to be ashamed.
I ain't no chiId, Miss Daisy.
And I ain't just a back of the neck you
Iook at whiIe you go where you got to go.
I'm a man, I'm near 70 years oId,
and I know when my bIadder's fuII.
Now I'm going to get out of this car...
...and go over there
and do what I got to do.
I'm taking the key with me, too.
Now that's aII there is to it!