Is that you, SIick? It's BooIie.
How you doing?
CongratuIations on your dad's big day.
Thank you, BooIie.
Thank you. Aunt Daisy!
It's BooIie on the phone.
Hey, Son!
UncIe WaIter appreciates your caII.
I don't think he can come to the phone.
Fine. How's Hoke?
What do you mean? How shouId he be?
Happy birthday, UncIe WaIter.
I got to hang up now, BooIie.
Yeah, I'II teII him.
'Morning, Miss McCIatchey.
WeII, good morning to you.
Can I see him?
It's Mr. SincIair Harris, sir.
My cousin SincIair?
His wife.... The one that taIks funny.
She's from Canton, Ohio.
She's trying to hire me.
-Yes, sir. She said:
''How they treating you
down there, Hoke?''
You know how she sounds,
Iike her nose is stuffed up.
So I said, ''Fine, Mrs. Harris,
just fine, thank you.''
She said, ''WeII, you Iooking for a change,
you know who to caII.''