Enemies: A Love Story

But she-she told me
the whole story, as if
it happened only yesterday.

How she had fallen in love,
she had gotten pregnant,
she wants a divorce, blah blah.

She sat down in front of me
and crossed her legs.

Like an actress
posing for a photograph.

Huh? I said to her...
"You behaved like a prostitute
when you were with me,
now pay the price. "

She hardly protested.
"We are still man and wife," she said.

I guess it's permitted.
To this day, I don't know
why I did it. Vanity, perhaps.

Anyway, I met Rabbi Lembeck,
he told me all about you...

and I realized she had caught
you in her net as she had me.

Perhaps she's attracted
to intellectuals.

- I won't marry her.
- I can't say I blame you.

You can't tell with Masha.
She's just the type
to have a bastard,
and then where would you be?

Thank you very much,
Mr. Tortshiner.

Broder, one last thing.
Every female sits in her own net,
like a spider waiting for a fly.

If you don't run away,
they'll suck the last drop
of life out of you.

Thank you. Again.
"And these are the duties
that the wife performs
for the husband:

"She grinds, bakes, washes, cooks...
"Nurses the child,
makes the bed and spins wool.

"Rabbi Eliezer says,
'Even if she brought him
a house full of servants...

he should force her to spin wool,
because idleness,
it leads to insanity."'

- Why don't you answer
the telephone?
- I will never answer...

the phone again on a holiday.
And if you want to become
Jewish, you don't iron
on Shemini Atzeret.

This is a holiday!
- You write on the Shabbat, not I.
- I won't be writing...

on the Sabbath anymore.
