- Oh, God!
- What happened?
- God! Don't go!
It's a ghost! A ghost!
- Yadwiga, what is...
- I didn't think she would
recognize me.
Yadzia! Yadzia!
Stop shaking, stop shaking!
Foolish peasant, she's alive!
She's alive!
Calm down, Yadwiga.
I'm not dead. I haven't
come to haunt you.
What's wrong with you?
- You could frighten her to death!
- I thought I was so changed,
my own mother wouldn't know.
Then, you could phone, ja?
You could... You could phone!
- Okay, here it is. Sit down.
- Oh, God!
- Sit, sit, sit.
- Oh, God! What will happen now?
- What do you do this for?
What do you do?
And I am pregnant!
Don't think I'm here
to disturb the happy couple.
I learned how
to drink in Russia.
When I have a glassful,
I become a little curious.
After all, we still have
something in common.
- Both of you knew me
when I was alive.
Why do you do this?
Why do you do this to her?
- You know she's pregnant.
- I'm not dead! I'm not dead.
I'm not alive
and I'm not dead.
The truth is,
I have no claim on him.
He probably always loved you.
I'm-I'm sure he slept
with you before me.
Oh, no.
I was an innocent girl.
- I came to him a virgin.
- Oh! Congratulations.
Men love virgins.
If every man had his way...
every woman would
lie down a prostitute
and get up a virgin.
Well, I see I'm an uninvited guest.
I better go.
No, Mistress Tamara.
Forgive me.
As God is my witness...
if I had known you were alive,
I would have kept away from him.
Sit down,
Mistress Tamara.
I get you tea.
Don't worry.
She won't divorce you.