Mr. Broder,
is your wife at home?
She's in the, uh, in the toilet.
A dear soul.
This is Mr. Pesheles, from Sea Gate.
I told him you sell
books and you write.
He's very interested in books.
Look, Mrs. Schreier,
I'm terribly sorry.
- This is a very bad time for me.
- It will only take a few minutes.
- Mr. Pesheles is a rich man.
- Oh!
President of the biggest home
for the aged in New York.
- He's on the board of three hospitals.
- Mrs. Schreier, please.
I don't need publicity.
If I need a publicity agent,
I'll hire one.
Well, uh, come in.
And, uh, thi-this is a friend of mine.
She's, uh, she's from Europe.
She's just here a few weeks.
But you're not like
a greenhorn at all.
You look like an American.
And gorgeous!
You know what?
Let's all go down to your place.
I'll send out
for some bagels and lox
and maybe even some cognac.
And then we'll all
have a nice chat.
Now, what kind of books
did you say you wrote?
Would you excuse me,
please, for one second.
Broder? This is Rabbi Lembeck.
So you do have a phone, huh?
But not the Bronx, Brooklyn.
"Esplanade-2" is somewhere
near Coney Island.
Yeah, well,
my friend moved.
I'm not as big a fool
as you think I am, Broder.
I know everything.
Absolutely everything.
You married some woman named
Masha. You wouldn't even tell me
so I can congratulate you.
Listen, I'm calling you because
I gotta see you right away.
You made several serious errors
in the cabala article. It does
neither of us any credit.
If we can make the corrections
immediately, they'll hold
the presses until tomorrow.