from Miami to the Warsaw Ghetto.
- And even a hungry audience
is better than a deaf one.
And, uh, where do you live?
Also Coney Island?
What's all this talk
about Coney Island?
Well, I, uh, I went
to visit Mr. Broder there.
I thought the woman
who converted was his wife.
Turns out, he has
a pretty little one right here.
You refugees certainly
know how to live.
We Americans are only
allowed one at a time.
- And then, guess what? Guess what?
- It's not what you think.
I go to the hospital last week
to visit a friend with
a prostate problem.
And I meet that other pretty
woman who is also at your house.
She was having a bullet
removed from her hip.
She was probably delirious, but she
said she was also your wife.
What was that name?
T- Tam... Tamara!
- That's right, Tamara Broder.
- Tamara? I thought she was dead.
- I tell you, my dead wife
is living in America.
- She was old and ugly.
- But that's what all men
tell their wives!
- Well, here we are.
You all know each other.
My friend Mr. Pesheles
knows everyone.
And everyone knows him.
Masha, you're the most
beautiful woman at the party.
And my friend
Herman here, hid her.
- He's hiding more than one.
- You think so?
With me, he always played
the innocent lamb.
- I was beginning to believe
he was a eunuch.
- I wish I was such a eunuch.
Excuse me, Rabbi. I'll be right back.
- Where are you running?
- Once and for all, how many
wives do you have?
- Let go of me.
- How many? Three?
Ten. Ten. I have to vo...
I have to vomit.
- Where's the bathroom?
- Down the hall.
Thank you.
Whoops... Ooh!
Herman! This is the last time
I'm going to talk to you.
And I want to tell you,
you're the worst fraud
I've known in my life!
If you hear that I'm dead...
don't come to my funeral.