Stop here, please.
I bought a bulb.
- How's your mother?
- I have no mother.
And I have no money
for a funeral.
Her last words were,
"Where is Herman?"
Maybe your mother's better off.
She doesn't have to make
any more decisions.
That's the one advantage
to being dead.
You once promised me
we would die together.
Don't you remember?
In September.
Labor Day.
- When we were in the Catskills.
- Oh. I remember.
Why don't we do it?
I have enough sleeping pills
for both of us.
- It's a big step.
- I have them in my bag.
All we need...
- Is a glass of water.
- Well, that we have. That's
the one thing they didn't steal.
Oh, Masha.