- What do you see, Erik?
- I see the world.
- Is it night or day, Erik?
- It is day, of course.
Is it summer or winter?
The winter has passed.
It is summer.
Have you ever seen the sun, Erik?
No, it's up beyond the clouds -
where it always is.
But have you ever seen it?
Think back.
I remember once as a child
I had a dream.
It was as if the whole sky
was blue...
It was blue, Erik... once.
The Old Stories tell of an age
that would come such as this -
when Fenrir the Wolf would
swallow the sun,
and a Great Winter would settle
the world.
It was to be an axe age,
a sword age, a storm age,
when brother would turn against
brother, and men would fight
each other until the world
was finally destroyed.
Then this is the Age of Ragnarok?
Wait, Freya!
Is there nothing men can do?
The Gods are asleep, Erik.
I will go and wake them up!
Tell me what I must do!
Far out in the midst
of the Western Ocean
there is a land, men call it
There you will find a horn
that is called Resounding.
You must take the Horn Resounding
and three times you must blow it.