But the problem is, the tenant's likely
to stay there for 20 years. Right?
- Yeah. Right.
- Well...
...Gertrude and I snap up an apartment
that will be vacant in six months.
At which point,
we double our investment.
We are sitting on seven prime
Manhattan apartments...
...and every tenant terminal.
If I were you and Gertrude,
I would hope...
...that God does not have
a sense of humor.
Well, the apartment
would just revert back...
...to the original building owner. What's
the difference who turns the profit?
The difference is, you're mucking around
in other people's misery.
When you rob someone legally...
...without risk, without sticking
your neck out, that's immoral.
Where did you find
this fucking parasite?
Yeah, it's...
- It's like a leech.
- Did you hear that, Adam?
Your grandfather feels breaking the law
would make Christine more moral?
It would. Like most people, Elaine...
...you confuse what's moral
with what's legal.
No. Like most people, I recognize
that in a reasonably just society...
"A reasonably just society."
Well, tell me when you find one.
You agree with your paternal grandfather
that legality means nothing?
Which means that you can go blithely
through life doing just as you please.
- My "paternal" grandfather?
- Yeah, he's a defendant in this case.
You still haven't answered, Adam.
He's your guest.
- Well, I came here to eat.
- Come on. Hey, more meat.
- You wanna make a fight over this?
- You should have given me support.
No, you don't come on like a parent
with Adam's idol sitting at the table.
Why are you such a dishrag
with Adam?