Up here!
Groves, Leslie. Friends call me Dick.
Sit down.
I love it.
Created out of nothing but up here.
The old man likes his privacy,
doesn't he?
Guess what.
- The egghead wants a carrot juice.
- Get him what he wants, Bronson!
Get used to it.
What an eight ball this guy is.
Seems this Oppenheimer's
a hot number.
Says here, he's got more damn brains
than are decent.
He knows it too. Temperamental. He
ain't gonna be an easy horse to corral.
Oh, I think the general
knows what he's doing.
Oppenheimer ain't one of us.
The general picks that guy,
he'll be making a mistake.
It needs to get pulled together.
So I think you're the man for the job.
And I got a weakness for good men.
The Krauts are working on this,
full bore.
If they get it before we do,
I don't have to spell it out.
Where would you start?