- Good afternoon, sir.
- Give me the good news, Jack.
We've got utilities on
throughout camp.
We've got the sewage problem taken
care of. We have water throughout.
- Got the two science buildings...
- Not good enough.
We gotta be
a couple of weeks behind.
You know, I got a bunch
of scientists up there.
They're just wandering,
bumping into each other.
Get some bodies in here. In a week,
I wanna be two weeks ahead.
I don't think we have
accommodations, sir.
Why would they want
You think they'll sleep?
All right, get some tents,
but put it on your EOR.
Didn't I ask for dogs
around that perimeter fence?
- Yes, sir.
- I don't see any.
They're coming, general.
...whatever goes on around here
is privileged information.
No exceptions. No wives, no barbers.
No exceptions!
What you see,
what you hear, what you read,
what you dream about,
...gives you heartburn or feeds your
ulcers, whatever gives you the sweats,
keeps you up at night, whatever,
all of that...
...belongs to the United States Army.
Or to me, if that makes you feel
more comfortable.
Now, you gotta come down
out of the clouds, gentlemen,
and get into the business
of winning a war.