Are you ready?
- You want me to get it myself?
- Lift.
Oppie's boys.
No problem left unsolved.
Gentlemen, this project
has been separated into three areas.
The physics.
How much material do we need?
Should it be plutonium
or uranium 235?
Second, manufacture of material,
but that's out of our hands.
That's Oak Ridge, Tennessee
and Hanford. And third,
our responsibility,
and this is a cinch...
Yeah, sure.
...build the device, test it,
and just hope that we can control it.
Gentlemen, we are here...
...at the beginning.
Our objective is here.
We have a deadline of 19 months.
19 months?
It seems such a short time.
19 months coincides
with our anticipated delivery date
from Oak Ridge. Gentlemen,
we have 19 months, that's it...
...to box, wrap
and deliver this package.
Are there any dissenters?
Nineteen months
and starting from scratch, Jesus.
Still, Oppie's got the best theoreticians
and engineers in the world.
Some of these guys are legends and
so young. The place is a hothouse.
Doc, he seems like
he's gonna be a good man.
Reckons we'll be working with funny
stuff. He's gonna be looking out for us.
He's got a whole wing of the hospital
that looks like Noah's Ark.
I think of Jimmy fighting in the
Philippines, and I can't complain.
I love you, but I gotta go.
General wants a progress report.
When Groves wants something,
he wants it now.