Fat Man and Little Boy

Oh, Robert, I dreamt you'd gone.
So that's what the silences were.
No letters, no contact.
I thought it was me,
something I'd done.

- I've told you it has nothing to do...
- Yes, but you didn't tell me...

What is it you're working on?
What is so important?

That's right. It is important.
So don't be so goddamn arrogant.
Is it arrogant to want
to know where you are?

What's happening to you? To want
to be close to you? To understand?

This was the man I loved.
I loved his dreams.
I loved what he saw but couldn't prove.

I loved the goodness in him.
He was my proof that the world
could be made better.

And if he's dead, I don't want to live.
The world is...different.
It's just not what we
wanted it to be.

It's just not.
You mattered to me so much.
You really did.
