Inside. Inside.
Good news is the new plutonium
makes lots of neutrons.
But the bad news is the spontaneous
fission rate is way too high.
The reaction will run away with itself.
There will just be a fizzle.
- No explosion.
- You're certain of that, Edward?
- Who did the calculations?
- Serber.
- Himself?
- Serber, personally.
So now plutonium is a problem. That
shifts the emphasis back to U-235.
Of course, Oak Ridge is not able
to produce that in sufficient quantity.
We must go with implosion, but
Neddermeyer has just announced to me
that he and implosion
have just reached a brick wall.
We can't fall behind.
Are you all right, Oppie?
You have a deadline to meet.
Banked almost a billion dollars on you
guys. That's not working on the cheap.
Only thing I want to hear is, ''Yes, sir.''
Don't talk to me like I haven't given
eight days a week to this project.
I've given up everything.
Don't... Don't give me that.
I don't want to hear
that from the...
I've given up everything.
You know exactly
what I'm talking about.
I don't give a goddamn
that travel was restricted.
It had to be done face to face,
and that's the way I did it.
Latest news
from the fighting front.
American armies are pushing the
Germans back on their own territory.
But fighting is desperate.
The Germans are building up
for a massive counter thrust.
Though the Allies are determined
to hold this new front...
Who's the Lone Ranger?
Explosives wiz.
I don't know about Tonto.
Neddermeyer gave up
on his explosion that goes in.
Not Oppie, though.
He brought in two explosive
experts from the outside.
We struggle on here
in our isolation.