and say we spent two billion dollars
on a show that's never gonna open.
Crisis of conscience.
You got one job, doctor.
Give me the bomb. Just give it to me.
Atrocious things have been done
in Germany
because people didn't speak out.
And we blame them for it. Right,
I think, even though it was dangerous.
But it's not dangerous
for us to speak out.
That's what a lot of us in Chicago feel.
You don't have to agree
with the contents of this petition.
You have to agree
it should be discussed.
- Yes, sir.
- Good boy, Michael.
Good seeing you again.
- It came in on the wire.
- What?
Japanese are feeling out terms for
surrender. They made a proposition.
What kind of surrender?
Not unconditional?
Not according to my sources, no.
No one will buy it.
- Sir?
- Nothing.
Come on. Come on. Right here.
Mr. Secretary, a brutal question.
Are you and the president
looking to Russia,
figuring they'll come into Japan,
assuming there's an invasion?
If you are, you're not
gonna get that for nothing.
Russia's gonna want
Manchuria, Sakhalin.
I can give the president Japan.
No invasion, no deals.
Can you guarantee that?
Some of your scientists
are getting out of line.