Is there a sound truck on the highway?
Nope. Hey, Karin, dinner's ready!
-Kids with a radio?
-Are you really hearing voices?
-Just one.
What did it say?
"If you build it, he will come."
-If you build what, who will come?
-He didn't say.
-I hate it when that happens.
-Me, too.
Ifyou build it, he will come.
Build what? What is this?
It's okay, honey.
I'm just talking to the corn field.
Anyway, I was walking
down along the street...
...and I heard this voice saying...
..."Good evening, Mr. Dowd."
Well, I turned around...
...and here was this big six-foot rabbit
leaning up against the lamppost.
-Why did you do that? It was funny.
-Trust me. It's not funny.
The man is sick. Very sick.
Honey, get your book bag. Let's go!
I'll take her today.
I've got some errands to do in town.
-What if the voice calls while you're gone?
-Take a message.