Field of Dreams

I'm afraid of that happening to me...
...and something tells me
this may be my last chance...

:13:11 do something about it.
I want to build that field.
Do you think I'm crazy?
But I also think
if you really feel you should do this...

...then you should do it.
-What the hell is he doing?
-He's plowing under his corn.

Ty Cobb called him
the greatest left fielder of all time.

He said his glove
was the place where triples go to die.

-Could he hit?
-Could he hit?

Lifetime average .356,
third highest in history.

Why'd they call him "Shoeless Joe"?
When he was in the minors...
...he bought a new pair of spikes
and hurt his feet.

In the 6th inning, he took them off
and played in his socks.

The players kidded him, called him
"Shoeless Joe" and the name stuck.

He's going to lose his farm.
Damned fool.
Then in 1919,
his team the Chicago White Sox...

...threw the World Series.
-What's "threw"?
-It means they lostit on purpose.

Gamblers paid them to.
Except Shoeless Joe.
He did take their money,
but nobody everproved he did one thing...

:14:55 lose those games.
If he threw it, how do you explain
that he hit .375 for the Series...
