Excuse me, madam.
Excuse me.
Terence Mann was a warm
and gentle voice of reason...
...during a time of great madness.
He coined the phrase,
"Make love, not war."
While other people chanted, "Burn,
baby, burn," he was talking about love...
...and peace and understanding.
I cherished every one of his books,
and I dearly wish he had written more.
Maybe if you had experienced
even a little bit of the '60s...
...you might feel the same way, too.
I experienced the '60s.
No, you had two '50s
and moved right into the '70s.
Annie, look at this.
Your husband plowed under his corn
and built a baseball field.
-Now, there's an intelligent response.
-The weirdo.
-Honey, it's all right. I'll be cool.
At least he is not a book-burner,
you Nazi cow.
At least I'm not married to the biggest
horse's ass in three counties.
All right, Beulah,
do you want to step outside?
All right, I've got a better idea.
Let's take a vote. Who's for Eva Braun?
Who wants to burn books?
Who wants to spit on the Constitution of
the United States of America? Anybody?
All right.
Now, who's for the Bill of Rights?
Who thinks freedom
is a pretty darn good thing?
Come on! Let's see those hands!