-We got a learning disability here?
-If I could just have one minute, please.
I can't tell you the secret of life,
and I don't have any answers for you.
I don't give interviews,
and I'm no longer a public figure.
I just want to be left alone, so piss off.
Wait! Wait!
I've come 1,500 miles to see you...
...at the risk of losing my home
and alienating my wife.
All I'm asking is one minute. Please.
One minute.
I understand your desire for privacy...
...and I wouldn't intrude
if this weren't extremely important.
Oh, God. I don't do causes anymore.
This isn't a cause.
I don't need money or an endorsement.
You once wrote, "There comes a time...
"...when all the cosmic tumblers
have clicked into place...
"...and the universe
opens itself up for a few seconds...
"...to show you what's possible."
-Oh, my God!
-You're from the '60s.
-Well, yeah. Actually--
Back to the '60s!
There's no place for you here in the future.
Get back while you still can!
You've changed, you know that?
Yes, I suppose I have.
How about this? Peace, love, dope.
Now get the hell out of here!