...and now people like you think
I must be miserable...
...because I'm not involved anymore.
I've got news for you.
I spent all my misery years ago.
I have no more pain left for any of you.
I gave at the office.
So what do you want?
I want them to stop
looking to me for answers...
...begging me to speak again,
write again, be a leader.
I want them to start thinking
for themselves.
And I want my privacy.
No, I meant what do you want?
Dog and a beer.
-$ 7.
Okay, I understand you.
You should be entitled
to as much privacy as you want.
But why stop writing?
I haven't published a word in 17 years,
and still I have to endure lunatics like you.
What do you think would happen
if I suddenly came out with a new book?
They'd bleed me dry.