This is your lucky day, kid.
We're going someplace kind of like that.
All right.
-I'm Ray Kinsella. This is Terence Mann.
I'm Archie Graham.
It's funny the way he described towns
finding you a job...
...so that you could play on their team.
They haven't done that for years.
My dad did that for a while,
but that was in the '20s.
What happened to your father?
He never made it as a ballplayer...
...so he tried to get his son
to make it for him.
By the time I was 10, playing baseball...
...got to be like eating vegetables
or taking out the garbage.
So when I was 14, I started to refuse.
Can you believe that?
American boy refusing to have a catch
with his father?
Why 14?
That's when I read The Boat Rocker
by Terence Mann.
I never played catch with him again.
That's the kind of crap
people always lay on me.
It's not my fault
you wouldn't play catch with him.
I know.
Anyway, when I was 17...
...l packed my things,
said something awful, and left.
After a while, I wanted to come home,
but I didn't know how.
Made it back for the funeral, though.
What was the awful thing you said?
To your father?
I said I could never respect a man
whose hero was a criminal.