Field of Dreams

-Shit! Wreck him.
-Let me at him!

You're interrupting the game, Mark.
It's time to put away your little fantasies
and come down to Earth.

-It's not a fantasy. They're real.
-Who is real?

Shoeless Joe Jackson, the White Sox,
all of them.

-You mean?
-No. He can't see any of them.

Who is this, Elvis?
As a matter of fact, it's Terence Mann.
How do you do? I'm the Easter Bunny.
-Let's settle this thing now.
-Look. I'm not selling.

You have no money.
You have a stack of bills!

Come fall, you got no crop to sell.
But, I have a deal
that allows you to stay on the land.

Daddy? We don't have to sell the farm.
-You'll live in the house rent-free.
-What about the team--

Do you realize how much
this land is worth?

Yeah. Yeah.
$ 2,200 an acre.
We can't keep a useless baseball diamond
in rich farmland.

Read my lips. We're staying, all right?
-We're staying.
-Ray, you're bankrupt!

I'm offering you a way to keep your home
because I love my sister.

My partners don't care
and are ready to foreclose right now.

Daddy, we don't have to sell the farm.
-Karin, please!
-Just wait! Wait!

People will come.
-What people, sweetheart?
-From all over.

They'll just decide to take a vacation, see?
And they'll come to lowa City.
They'll think it's really boring.

So they'll want to pay us.
Like buying a ticket.

You're not seriously listening to this,
are you?

-Wait a minute.

Why would anybody
pay money to come here?
