Janine, lunch! It smells like
somebody took a big ...
- ... our half-price service plan.
- Half price! Have we all gone mad?
I guess so, because that's not all.
Tell them, Egon.
You mean the Ghostbusters mugs
and free balloons for the kids?
We've been experimenting with
the plasm we found in the tunnel.
We've been experimenting with
the plasm we found in the tunnel.
- Shall I get spoons?
- Don't bother. Watch.
- Go ahead, Ray.
- You! You worthless piece of slime!
- You disgusting blob!
- You short-chain molecule!
- Foul, obnoxious muck!
- You have a weak chemical bond!
I have seen some disgusting crud,
but you take the cake!
- You do this with your spare time?
- It's an incredible breakthrough.
A psycho-reactive substance.
It responds to emotional states.
Mood slime?
Oh, baby.
This stuff
actually feeds on bad vibes?
- We're testing positive reactions.
- What kind of test?
We sing to it and talk to it
and say supportive things to it.
You're not sleeping with it?
- You ...
- It's always the quiet ones.