I have new cheap moves.
Hey, you. Hey, you.
It looks like you're awake.
Yes, Oscar. You're gonna have
the whole place to yourself tonight.
I've got some Laura Antonelli tapes
you can watch.
- Did you see some shirts here?
- I put them in the hamper.
- I have a hamper?
- Yeah, it's in the bathroom.
- Tell me first, next time.
- I thought they were dirty.
There's not just clean and dirty.
There are many subtle levels.
You hang this outside
for 20 minutes, it's perfectly fine.
Interesting role model for you.
They couldn't get to you
until after the new year.
Just don't go in there.
Louis, I'm closing up!
Should I take the subway
or the surface roads?
- I'm walking. Goodnight!
- Well, now. Hang on now.
Do you maybe want to ..?
No ...
Do you want to have
something to eat with me?
I'd love that,
but I told Dr. Venkman I'd baby-sit.
- Do you want to baby-sit with me?
- Okay, I would.
- Great. His place at eight.
- I can get his address from the W2.
We were right.
Multi-Planar Kerlian emanations.