Ghostbusters 2

Things that people don't Want to
knoW about. That's Where We come in .

Is the World of the supernatural
your exclusive province?

Sometimes shit happens,
someone has to deal With it, -

- and Who are you gonna call?
Peter Venkman , Raymond Stanz,
Egon Spengler, stand up!

You too, Mr. Tully.
I find you guilty on all charges
and fine you $25,000 each .

I sentence you to 1 8 months
in the city correctional facility.

- She's tWitching .
- I'm not finished !

- There's no place for fakes . . .
- Your Honour . . .

- Shut up! Tricksters like you . . .
- This is important.

You play on the gullibility
of innocent people.

If my hands Weren't tied
by the fetters of the laW, -

- I'd reach back to a purer justice
and have you burned at the stake!

Oh , my God . The Scoleri brothers!
The Scoleri brothers!
I gave them the chair for murder!

- Do something !
- But you don't believe in ghosts.
