Ghostbusters 2

It might be a good idea
to get a look at that painting .

Ray's gonna go to your place.
Ray's gonna go to your place.
I've been holding on to this for a
long time. I got this from a girl , -

- Who got this from Joe "Willie"
Namath . We don't Want to knoW hoW.

So I Would appreciate it if you
Would not hose it doWn . Thank you .

You can practice What We big guys
like to call self-control .

Get out of here. Oh , look at him .
Oh , he's a coconut, this guy.

You'll be staying at Uncle Pete's
for a While. This is your place noW.

Hi . Come on in . This is my place.
HoW do We handle
the sleeping arrangements?

The best Way is if I lie on my side
and you spoon up beside me.

If We do it the other Way, -
- I get your hair caught
in my throat and choke.

- HoW about you on the sofa?
- It's a Way to go.

I ought to put him doWn .
- May l?
- Yeah , if you Want to.

You're short,
your belly button sticks out, -

- and you're a burden
on your poor mother.

- Did you find anything at Dana's?
- Just some slime residue.

But I found something on that Vigo
character you mentioned .
