- Why is this closed?
- Winston !
Back aWay.
Taxi !
Pete, We've got incredible neWs.
All-you-can-eat barbecue rib night
at the Sizzler?
The photos of Vigo shoW
a river of slime floWing behind him .
We're going to see if We can trace
the source of the floW.
Egon thinks there may even be
a surge in cockroach breeding .
- Hi , boys. What's up?
- Hi .
Dana, the guys are going doWn into
the seWer to check for slime stuff.
Egon thinks there may be a surge
in cockroach breeding .
Do you Want to bloW off this dinner
and go With them?
Taxi !
Women . Huh?
Watch your step.
- I hate this.
- There's an entrance along here.
I'm not getting anything yet.
At least
We can't see the cockroaches.
It's the subWay rats
you've got to Worry about.
- Some of them go up to five kilos.
- Enough , all right?
Can you hear them behind the Walls?
There must be thousands of them .