l"m breaking through. l see light.
l"m in some kind of chamber.
Slime! lt"s a river of slime!
lt"s flowing through here
like a river!
Van Horne. Pneumatic Transit.
l can"t believe it"s still here!
- Hold me up! That"s good.
- What do you see?
What"s going on here?
What"s the story?
Are you boneheads gonna roust me out
again? l"ve got 3,000 phones out.
l"ve got miles of cable to check.
The phone lines are over there.
What did l say?
The phone lines are over there!
You"re not with the phone company.
Tell me another one.
l"ve got a major gas leak here!
Okay, boys. Boys?
Pull me up now, all right?
There"s some kind of activity
going on here.
- Help! Take me up!
- Start it!
What"s going on up there?
Get me out of this hole!