- And a genius in many ways.
- He was a genocidal madman.
l feel uncomfortable
around this painting.
You probably feel like Vigo feels.
"Carpathian kitten loss".
- l"ll just put one in here.
- We don"t alter valuable artwork!
- Go! The joyfulness is over.
- He"s kidding.
You"re not gonna get a green card
with that attitude.
Of course. l get it.
You"re sweet on this hunky stud.
Every now and then, l feel that
that painting is watching me.
l think we got more food
on your shirt than in your mouth.
You like baths, don"t you?
You get to do your f avourite thing.
Your f avourite thing.
Do you know what you get to do?
Do you know
what"s more fun than anything?
Splash Mummy.
You get to splash Mummy.
l"ll be ready for you this time.
l"m gonna take my shirt off, too.