A great and a terrible day.
l could use your help.
The governor's proposing to raise
a regiment of Negro soldiers.
No, it was not just my idea.
Mr. Douglass has--
We'll offer pride and dignity
to those who've known only degradation.
Coloured soldiers, Rob.
Just think of it!
l've submitted your name
to be commissioned...
...colonel of the 54th
Massachusetts lnfantry.
Thank you, governor, that's....
That's a wonderful idea.
Excuse me.
Well done, Shaw.
-Splendid job, young man.
-Bravo, Robert.
What's the matter, Chester?
Too much punch?
l mean, l know how much you'd like to be
a colonel, but a coloured regiment?
You know how unpopular
that would be...
...handing out guns to 1 ,000 coloureds?