Forbes, that's you.
How are you?
-You know Charlie Morse.
-Thomas Searles.
So how was your meal?
The rémoulade was a trifle tart...
...but the soufflé more
than made up for it.
And your comrades?
Charming. Extraordinary
conversationalists, every one.
Major Forbes.
A word, please.
Excuse me, Thomas.
l won't permit
that kind of fraternization.
But it's only Thomas.
He's an enlisted man.
You're right, of course.
l've sent for help.
These men need a proper teacher.
For God's sake, men,
you march like crippled old goats.
Christ! We'll be here day and night
until it's right.
A one, one.
Company, halt.
About face.
You are ugly Mexican-
African fucking whores!
We'll work on this
day and night, gentlemen.
Forward at the half step, march!
You half-wit black bastard.
Do they cut your balls off at birth?
l'm gonna work on you, bastard,
until l get you broken in.
Company, halt!
For God's sake!
Do you not know right from left?
No, sir.