And you wouldn't know from the sound
of it that this is an Army camp.
They must've learned this...
... from hours of meaningless,
inhuman work....
To set their minds free so quickly...
... it gives them great energy.
And there's no doubt
we'll leave this state...
...as fine a regiment as any
that has marched.
As ever, Your son, Robert.
They've done it.
Assemble the men.
ln accordance with
President Lincoln's wishes...
...you men are advised
that the Confederate Congress...
...has issued a proclamation.
lt reads:
''Any Negro taken in arms
against the Confederacy...
...will immediately be returned
to a state of slavery.
Any Negro taken in federal uniform...
...will be summarily put to death.
Any white officer taken
in command of Negro troops...
...shall be deemed as
inciting servile insurrection...