You're among friends now.
How much longer you figure they last?
l hear they're deserting,
ten at a time.
Well, you're misinformed.
We haven't had a single incident.
See? l figure the nigs
never had it so good.
Three square a day,
a roof over their heads.
And they got to know nobody's
gonna let them fight. Right?
Yes, of course.
Listen, if there's anything you need.
A bottle for the cold nights?
Yes. l've put in a requisition
for some shoes two weeks ago...
...and l haven't heard anything.
Provisionally speaking,
we're extremely limited as to footwear.
l'm afraid that kind of item
has to be reserved for those units...
...whose fighting readiness...
...supersede yours.
You understand, l'm sure.
Yes, l understand.
-Excuse me.
-Well, stop by tomorrow.
l've got my hands on
the most delicious local jam.
Nice meeting you.
-Excuse me, sir.
-What is it?
We've caught a deserter.