What is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you?
You accused me of stealing.
Only thing l'm stealing is your face.
- Are you out of your fucking mind?
- Oh, yeah...
That's what l'm talking about.
Come on, sucker. Let's get it on.
You want to fight?
Come on. l'm going to beat the shit
out of your ass, motherfucker.
- You punch people in the eyes? Bitch.
- Is that all you got?
You think that's all?
l'm going to blast your teeth out.
- Nigger, you hit like a bitch.
- You're slower than you thought.
I punch like a bitch, OK?
I punch like a bitch?
Say goodnight to this bitch now.
You're going to have to learn
to respect me.
And the next time...
...you accuse me of stealing,
l'll kick your ass again.
You crazy bitch.
Oh, you want to hit people
with garbage cans?
Now l've got to cut you.
Vera, put that razor away.
Put it away, or l'll blow
your pinkie toe off.
Now you're going to shoot me
in my pinkie toe.
l'm not playing with you.